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Solar FAQ'S

Is it worth installing solar panels in Alberta?

Absolutely! Installing solar panel installation in Alberta is indeed a worthwhile endeavor. The abundance of sunlight in the region makes it highly feasible to justify both the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs, as the long-term benefits in terms of energy savings and positive environmental impact are substantial.

Is there financing available for solar?

Yes! There are 0% financing rates available if you have a Credit Score of 650 and above! There has never been a better time to go solar in Alberta!

How long does a solar panel installation take?

Our solar panel installation process takes about five hours. However, solar requires government permissions and inspections which take about 2 months. So you will have your solar panel installation approved and installed within 3 months.

Does my solar panel installation has a warranty?

Yes! The minimum Warranty we offer is 25 years production and workmanship and the maximum is lifetime. No matter what, your system is protected.

What happens if I sell my house?

The solar payments are then transferred to the new homeowner. No complicated paperwork or hidden fees. Additionally, it can also be used as an increase in equity or included in the sales price which makes it a very attractive option for our customers. 

What is the payback period for solar panels in Calgary?

Considering the current solar installation and utility rates in Alberta, along with government incentives, the anticipated solar payback period for Albertans is 10years or less. This estimation takes into account various factors that influence the duration.

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Solar Panel Installation FAQs

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Will you deliver after hours?

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